Museums in Nicosia
This is a museum of ancient
stone fragments taken from the demolition of ancient buildings. It is situated a
few hundred yards from the Selimiye mosque (St. Sophia) and the building is
believed to be a Venetian house or could be a renovated mediaeval building. He
re one can see pieces of stone work taken from ancient palaces and Gothic
Museum of Barbarism
This is the house of Dr. Nihat
Ilhan, a major who was serving in the Cyprus Turkish Contingent in 1963. During the
inter- communal
troubles of December that year, the house was attacked by the Greek-Cypriot
terrorists. Dr. Ilhan's wife and three
children were ruthlessly murdered in the bathroom where they had tried to
hide. The house, in the Kumsal
district of Nicosia has been preserved as a museum.
Tekke (Museum of Whirling Dervishes)
The small museum is within
the walls of the city and close to the Kyrenia gate. It is on the main street
leading to Ataturk square and can be distinguished by six domes surmounting a
rectangular building.
Pasha Mansion (Ethnographical Museum)
The konak (mansion) of
Ahmed Dervish Pasha, a traditional Nicosia mansion, is on Belig Pasha street
which is off Salahi Shevket street. It houses the island's richest collection of
Ottoman artefacts. It is one of the hidden treasures of the city.