Değirmenlik (Kythera)
If you are looking for a break on the way from northern Nicosia
to Famagusta, the
Değirmenlik turning has the best cluster of roadside cafés.
Değirmenlik, which is about 15
km northeast of Nicosia, is the largest of a half a dozen mud-brick villages
that cluster around a perennial stream that flows from the mountain spring.
Until the last century it had a vital strategic role, for the valley ground all
of Nicosia's flour at its three dozen mills.
Now, there is just one mechanized
flour mill at Başpınar, at the head of the valley, though picturesque stone
arches of the old mill-races punctuate the villages.
In summer, the valley has an additional charm of being a fertile
oasis in the midst of mud-brick houses, barren hills, and the
scorched fields of the
Mesaoria plain.
The springs have
assured a continuous history of settlement: archaeologists have
identified Copper Age sites, the Iron Age citadel of Chytri and a
sanctuary at Gökhan (Voni), though it was a local ploughman who
unearthed the famous bronze statue of the Roman Emperor, Septimius
Rogerson, B., (1994), Cyprus, Cadogan.