Cyprus Home Page in the Media
Denktash: President in Cyberspace
(in Greek-Cypriot English language newspaper Cyprus Weekly)
Internet Öfkesi!
(in Turkish-Cypriot daily KIBRIS)
Internet'te Türk Düsmanligi
(in Turkish daily Zaman)
(in Greek-Cypriot English language newspaper Cyprus Weekly)
Internet KKTC'yi tanidi
(in Turkish daily Hürriyet
17 March, 1996)
Yasar Sentürk'un North Cyprus Home Page'i
(in Turkish-Cypriot daily Halkin Sesi)
Blue Beads (Traditional Turkish Talisman)
(in Tampa Bay Bead Society News, Florida-USA,
January/February 1998)
Greek Hate Mail on the Net!
(in London Turkish-Cypriot daily Toplum Postasi, 15 July 1999)
Making the World Taste Better - Cyprus
(in Netcooks.com by J. Powers & T. Nicklow, 2001)