The Venetian Period in Cyprus 

Action of the Papal League

Meanwhile the forces of the Papal League, consisting of the fleets of Spain and Venice with a land army on board, had assembled at Crete. At the end of September the expedition had arrived at Castelorizo, a small island east of Rhodes, when the news came of the fall of Nicosia. A council of war was immediately held to decide on the course of action. The majority wished to proceed at once to the assistance of the garrison at Famagusta, but Doria, the Spanish commander, would not agree to this. He represented that the object of the expedition, the relief of Nicosia, had failed, that the number of the Turkish forces made them vastly superior, and finally that the lateness of the season compelled him to return to port for safety of his fleet. So the Spanish fleet sailed away, and the Venetians, realising that they could not hope for success unaided, returned to Crete, without having accomplished anything for the relief of Cyprus. 

Only in January, when the Turkish fleet had returned to Constantinople for the winter, twelve Venetian vessels arrived at Famagusta with food, munitions, and reinforcements, bringing the garrison to a strength of 4,000 infantry, 800 militia, 3,000 citizens and peasants, and 200 Albanians. Night and day they worked to improve the fortifications under the able direction of Marc Antonio Bragadino, the captain of the city.

  • From: Newman, P., (1940), "A Short History of Cyprus", Longmans, Green & Co., London.

Chronological History