1) From: Hamide Koyuncuoglu (hkoyuncu@owlnet.rice.edu)
Subject: Re: Bradford'dan selam.
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 18:43:33
-0600 (CST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4
Erhan, Thanks for the URL.
I tried it and it works
on Mosaic. However, it does not work on Netscape which is a very popular
version of Mosaic.
It just gives the program
that you wrote. Your homepage is great. I did not have time to go thru
it in detail yet; but
I'm impressed with what
I have seen. I am surprised that Turgut (I'm assuming he's the one from UPENN) wouldn't
let y'all use his picture.
I have seen that picture and I really like it. [Actually it's one of my
Owlnet backgrounds.]
If you don't mind, I will
link your page to my homepage. I am trying to setup a section about Cyprus.
right now I
don't have time to work
on documents myself. I am maintaining two homepages for RiceInfo and with
classes and
stuff, it takes pretty much
all of my time. However, I will let you know if I have any info or suggestions....
Thanks again, Hamide
PS: If you talk to Canan
and/or Candan, say hi from me. I don't have an e-mail address for either
one of them.
| |
| |
| (o) (o)
-) Never Forget:
2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2
2) Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995
17:15:25 EDT
From: JDYL67A@prodigy.com
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: TRNC Home Page
Content-Length: 208
Good job!
I'm US representative of
Turkish Daily News. I live in Washington DC, USA.
If you come across any important
news tips about TRNC I'd be interested to
hear about them.
Good luck!
Ugur Akinci
3) Date: Thu, 11 May 1995
16:00:19 +0000 (GMT)
From: nick.kounoupias@mcps.co.uk
Subject: Northern and Southern
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Organization: Mechanical-Copyright
Protection Society Ltd.
I am very intrigued by your
use of the internet to promote the TRNC. Could you please tell me more
about your work, what audience you
have in mind and whether
you believe that this facility is something which can be used by both Greek
and Turkish Cypriots.
Look forward to your reply.
4) From cgeodym@ibm.net Sat
Jun 3 09:39:58 1995
Date: Wed, 31 May 95 14:21:43
From: cgeodym@ibm.net
Subject: TRNC Home Page
To: D.J.Johns@bradford.ac.uk
Cc: eaince@bradford.ac.uk, info-admin@bradford.ac.uk, S.K.Morell@bradford.ac.uk,
Reply-To: cgeodym@ibm.net
Content-Length: 2890 X-Status:
To all recipients,
I was born and brought up
as an Australian citizen of Cypriot origin and was raised in a pluralistic
society. I am currently living and working in Cyprus
with my wife and two daughters.
I have recently gained access to the INTERNET and wish to express my concern
that Messrs Erhan A. Ince and
Y.Yasar Senturk maintain
a WWW Home Page via the University of Bradford that presents a distorted
picture of the Island State of the Republic of
Cyprus. Cyprus is a forcibly
divided state via the actions of the Turkish military that began long before
I came to Cyprus. Suffice to say that Turkey is
the only country that recognises
the area that its military forces occupy and that the pseudo state of "Northern
Cyprus" is denounced by the United
Nations as an illegally
occupied area. The European court has also declared as illegal for any
member of the EU to receive certain exports from this
pseudo state. This is not
intended to be a history lesson, I am merely highlighting some pertinent
facts to justify the following request.
The WWW Home Page maintained
by the above mentioned persons must cease immediately in its present form.
It does not reflect in a favourable
light the fact that the
University of Bradford sanctions the actions of the above mentioned persons
in maintaining a presence on the INTERNET that
perpetrates inaccuracies
of such a serious nature. Especially since they cannot be deemed as of
an academic nature.
My next actions will be to:
i) contact the recognised
President of Cyprus and recommend that an official protest be levelled
to the Government of England as well as
to the University of Bradford
ii) contact the Government
of England's Ombudsman to see what legal actions can be taken to either
cease the operation, in its present form,
the above mentioned Home
Page and/or reduce funding to the University of Bradford in order to discourage
Home Pages of the able nature
being set up
iii) contact the English
language newspaper The Cyprus Weekly detailing the extent to which the
University of Bradford has allowed the above
mentioned Home Page to maintain
a presence on the INTERNET. The Cyprus Weekly has a substantial distribution
in Cyprus as well as the
English voters in the UK
iv) contact the Cypriot
Minister of Education and suggest that they advise prospective Cypriot
students not to enrol in any courses offered by
the University of Bradford
The ultimate aim of this communication to you is to encourage the spread
of accurate information regarding Cyprus.
Once more people become aware
of the plight of this small nation, then I truly believe that a peaceful
and political solution can be found. My family
and I could then freely
visit every part of the Island without the spectre of a military held area
purporting to be a separate state.
Awaiting your earliest reply
Chris Georgiou-Dymiotis
5) From: alarson (alarson@igc.apc.org)
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 95 09:48:53
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: comments on your
Sender: alarson@ppp20.igc.org
I am very impressed by your
page. I was particularly glad to see all the news about the fire, though
it was very disturbing news of course.
One point about your history--the
1974 events.To the best of my knowledge Sampson did not lead the coup.
He was a desperate choice to
head the govt when others
refused. The coup was directed by the colonels in Athens and carried out
by the Greek troops. Much of the National
Guard deserted. I don't
know how much Cypriot involvement there was prior to the coup. I understood
it wasn't all that much.
Anne Larson
6) Newsgroups: bit.listserv.hellas
Message-ID: (199506121535.LAA54956@atlanta.american.edu)
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 11:35:29
Reply-To: eh9174a@AMERICAN.EDU
Sender: The Hellenic Discussion
List From: "Eleftherios N. Hazapis"
Subject: Home page ths "B. Kyprou" Comments:
To: hellas@american.edu
Mporeite na deite to home
page ths Boreias Kyprou sto: http://www.brad.ac.uk/~eaince/.ncyprus/doc2.html
7) Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995
12:15:09 +0100 (BST)
From: Stephen Hopkins (shopkins@coventry.ac.uk)
X-Sender: shopkins@rowan
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: North Cyprus Web
Hi there.
While I have immensely enjoyed
your Web pages covering the TRNC, I must point out the some of the links
do not work.
When you have a moment,
do you think you could sort this out, please?
Many thanks.
8) From: Panayiotis Zaphiri (pzaphiri@athena.cc.ucy.ac.cy)
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 10:53:58
+0300 (WET)
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: HOME PAGE
Erhan hi !! I took a look
at your home page... nice additions... I will not comment on their contents
since we talked about it many many times
before and none of us will
change his views. But I would liked to point one technical mistake that
your have in your account. Your are putting
as counter of your page
the count of ege university in Turkey instead of your own page's counter.
I thought it would be of help to point this to
you since its such a mistake
that will reduce the reputation of your page :-))
Take care, Panayiotis Zaphiris
9) Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995
19:50:20 +0100 (BST)
From: Simon Craig Gray (S.J.Craiggray@bradford.ac.uk)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Yash, I have seen the North
Cyprus page you created.
It looks very nice, and
10) Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995
21:42:56 -0400
From: pan (pmessolo@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Informational Just!!!
Hi, My name is Pantelis Messolonghitis,
and I'm a Greek Cypriot. I've just recently been going through your home
page for Northern Cyprus,
I must admit you did do
a good job, at least better than we did(Cypriot Page). Im just writting
to say that even though your pages have a lot
of truth in them a significant
amount of the information is significantly biased in the sense that you
are trying to convey to the world that taking
36% of the Island was a
must to save the Turkish Cypriots.
I must admit that I don't
know much about history or governmental issues with reference to Cyprus
as I was born outside of Cyprus and have
lived most of my life abroad,
but what I do know is that prior to 74 Turkish & Greek Cypriots did
get along, maybe not like brother and sister but
well enough to avoid the
repatriation of 200,000 Greek Cypriots which find themself's refugees within
their own country for no apparent realistic
reason. I believe that this
is a very simplified version of the truth, however, the bottom line is
that and "invasion" was not necessary and trust me
Turkey never had to worry
about trouble from Cyprus, we are only 600,000 people and you are in excess
of 50mill. Anyway whats done is done
and theirs no point of making
things worse, I just wanted to point out that if your going to tell the
world something theirs no harm in giving an
unbiased view. Well thats
it from me, hopefully Cyprus will be united one day. You never know what
might happen with politician's these days.
Pantelis Messolonghitis.
11) From tozun@ix.netcom.com
Wed Jun 28 09:19:48 1995
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 01:17:37
From: tozun@ix.netcom.com (Orhan Tozun)
Subject: Text files
To: eaince@bradford.ac.uk
First I'd like to congratulate
you - the North Cyprus home page came out very well. There is only one
problem - when I tried to read the text files
the margins were much to
big, so one line would be so long that I'd have to scroll to the right
to read it. Maybe you should change the font to a
smaller size or make the
margins smaller.
12) From: "okan (o.) baysan"
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: congrats...
X-Status: Content-Length:
Merhaba Erhan,
Congrats for maintaining
such an excellent Web page for the TRNC.
It appears to be well done
and quite informative. Absolutely brilliant!
13) Date: 08 Jul 95 17:01:44
From: Ahmet Kemal-Hilmi (100532.1652@compuserve.com)
To: "Erhan A. Ince" (E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk)
Subject: North Cyprus Content-Length:
Dear Erhan, I have read with
interest your pages on North Cyprus on Internet.
It was a pleasent surprise
to read such a wealth of information from my home country.
My specialised interest
area is the history of Cyprus, particularly the Lusignan and the
Venitian periods, which
left us plenty of gems. Unfortunately, there are so little of academic
interest in those periods
of our heritage within the community.
My Email address is;
I look forward to hearing
from you and discussing Cyprus.
By for now,
Ahmet kemal-Hilmi
14) Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995
18:55:59 +0100 (MEDT)
From: melih@knidos.cc.metu.edu.tr
Subject:North Cyprus Home
Page on WWW
To: YY SENTURK (Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk)
Merhabalar, Sayfalariniza
girip baktim, gercekten basarililar, tebrik ederim. Acikcasi bir kac ay
once guney kibrisin (oldukca basarili) bir
homepage'ine rastlayinca
kuzey kibris sayfasi hazirlamak icin dokumanlar toplamistim, ama tezimin
son senesi oldugundan bir turlu vakit
bulup da toparlayamamistim.
COk memnun oldum bir Kuzey Kibris sayfasi olduguna.
Ben sizi sayfalarima ekledim,
siz de benim sayfalarimi eklerseniz sevinirim.
Basarilar ve selamlar.
Melih Ozbek
15) From ss@zenon.logos.hol.gr
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 95 18:45:32
From: ss (ss@zenon.logos.hol.gr)
Organization: LogosNet
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
pigs you are going to burn
in hell very soon pigs!
16) From: uzay dogac (udogac01@fiu.edu)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 95 18:32:28
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
X-Url: http://www.brad.ac.uk/~eaince/.ncyprus/doc2.html
Content-Length: 832
Hi from Miami!
First of all I wish to congradulate
and thank you for your wonderful work on my corner of heaven.
Born and raised in North
Cyprus, I have been in Miami attending Florida International University.
At this critical stage of
affairs it is vital that our voice be heard around the world. It is almost
unfeasible to let masses
know of what had happened and what is happening in N. Cyp.
Nevertheless it is immensely
spirit-lifting to see that we are trying it. It is highly unlikely to
speak of the possible peace
settlement in Cyprus. However, to surrender our faith in being
recognized is only impossible.
I wish to hear your opinions and thoughts about the future of
peace talks and the future
of N. Cyp. soon.
My best wishes to you,
Sincerely Yours.
Uzay R. Dogac
17) Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995
23:32:54 -0400 (EDT)
From: Evis Zenios (zevis@acs.bu.edu)
Subject: Who gave you the
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Length: 191
For real, who gave the right
to create a home page of "Northern Cyprus."
Please respond because it
is a very serious matter.
Zenios Evis
Manufacturing Engineering.
Computer Consultant.
18) Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95
11:38:49 -0700
From: Arletti Alesandro (md.snc@dns.inbox.modena.it)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Further informations
I've always been interested
in your country and I think it's one of the last beautiful sea site in
the Mediterraneum.
This year I'm thinking to
visit Cyprus and I've really enjoyed your page; but I've to complain about
the lack of any
hotel address or information
about private house cost or other things concerning hospitality. I think
to come from
the 6 to 21 of August, have
you some information to send me about where to sleep or so on?
If you need some informations
about MODENA or ITALY ask please !
Thank you very much
Arletti Alessandro
19) Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995
16:17:30 -0000
From: Malcolm Turnbull (mdt@mdtforen.u-net.com)
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: maps
I am to visit northern cyprus
in september but I can't find a detailed map in any bookshops in the UK.
Can you help?
20) From mdt-mdtforen%u-net.com@oveja.u-net.com
Date: Tue Aug 1 12:25:17
X-Sender: mdt-mdtforen@mail.u-net.com
To: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
From: mdt@mdtforen.u-net.com
(Malcolm Turnbull)
This is extremely kind of
you and much appreciated. We will be staying near Kyrenia but we have hired
a four-wheel drive and are hoping to
cover as much of northern
Cyprus as possible in the two weeks we have there - I should never have
read Laurence Durrell! Incidentally the
www page is excellent and
the sound files for basic language very helpful.
My very best wishes
Dr M D Turnbull
21) Date: 09 Aug 95 03:00:41
From: "Antonis T. Petasis" (100611.2753@compuserve.com)
To: Erhan Ince <eaince@bradford.ac.uk>
Subject: Bucknell
Erhan, I am Antonis Petasis
from Cyprus and we studied together at Bucknell. I hope you remember me.
I came across your name
browsing thru the North Cyprus page on the Web. That's a nice piece of
you made. I would be very
interested to know what you are keeping yourself busy with at the University
Bradford. As for myself,
I am in Paphos (my hometown) in Cyprus and I run my own business dealing
computer hardware &
software. Well, let's keep the communication lines open. I look forward
to receiving
your reply. Antonis Petasis
P. S. Do you happen to know Faruk Tezcan's whereabouts. If you have an
address or telephone I can
reach him at, please let me know.
22) Date: Sun, 13 Aug 1995
10:30:35 -0500 (CDT)
From: "A. Koksal HOCAOGLU" (c584540@showme.missouri.edu)
To: Yasar Senturk <y.y.senturk@bradford.ac.uk>
Subject: North Cyprus page
Merhaba, Sizin sayfaniza
bir ay kadar once bir link koymustum. Clickable image map uzerinden "Other
Turkish Home Pages" i veya tablo uzerinden
"Turkish Home Pages" i secerseniz
sizin sayfaya olan link'i gorebilirsiniz. Daha onceleri bu link, (eski)
clickable imagemap uzerindeki KKTC bayragi
ile mumkundu! Sayfanizi
cok begendim. Ancak, trafigin yogun oldugu saatlerde cok sayida image'le
bezenmis bir sayfayi gormek epeyce sabir istiyor.
A. Koksal Hocaoglu
23) Date: Sun, 13 Aug 95
20:26:25 PDT
From: tyzaim@HK.Super.NET
Subject: KKTC
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Cc: E.A.Ince@bradford.ac.uk
Sevgili Erhan ve Yasar,
Kuzey Kibris'la ilgili sayfanizi
Hong Kong'ta surekli izliyorum.
Pek guzel hazirlanmis sizi
tebrik ederim.
Tamer Zaim
24) Date: Sun, 13 Aug 1995
09:22:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: Eser Kandogan (kandogan@cs.UMD.EDU)
To: YY SENTURK <y.y.senturk@bradford.ac.uk>
Subject: Tebrikler
Selamlar, Hemen sizin sayfanizia
link koydum.
Bayagi detayli bir sayfa hazirlamissiniz.
Tebrik ederim. Cok guzel olmus.
Wed Aug 16 16:13:51 1995
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 95 16:13
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Keep up the good
Ya$ar and Erhan, Congratulations!
Thank you very much for
creating a Turkish Republic of Norhtern Cyprus Homepage. I think it is
the best thing after sliced bread!
It's about time the world
listens to the voice of the Turkish Cypriots. I am proud of you,
Thanks again,
Mehmet Necatigil,
London School of Economics
& Political Science.
26) From: esin@loki.stanford.edu
(esin terzioglu)
Subject: Turkish Republic
of Northern Cyprus Homepage
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 17:38:09
-0700 (PDT)
Yasar and Erhan, Congratulations
on providing such a comprehensive homepage about our beloved country, the
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
I am outraged to read some
of the comments from Greek Cypriot extremists talking about "getting rid"
of this wonderful page. Next paragraph is for
them, please put it on your
list of comments about your page: And you Greek Cypriot bigots out there
who are trying to silence the voice of the Turkish
Cypriots (just like your
ancestors did a few decades ago), you will not succeed. Freedom of speech
and freedom of self-determination for the Turkish
Cypriots have prevailed
and will stay that way. The lies that you have fed to the western countries
will be uncovered -- no wonders you are so nervous
about us making our voice
Once again Yasar and Erhan
congrats! Esin Terzioglu. esin@loki.stanford.edu
27) Date: Mon, 04 Sep 95
18:47:15 -0100
From: Anthony Dervish (dervisha@gled.logica.co.uk)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Missing DNS entries
for .tr domain
Hi Yasar, Many thanks for
such a well-designed and detailed site about Northern Cyprus.
I went there for the first
time in July of this year - I had a really good time and ate too much.
Two of my relations work
at the East Mediterranean University, and have tried to e-mail me
from there, but with no
success. Also, when I try to connect to any server in the '.tr' domain
(including EMU from your
site), I always get a name server error: 'No entry for that address'.
Do you know what's going
on? If you do, I'd be grateful if you would explain the problem to
me. Thanks in advance.
Best wishes,
Anthony Dervish.
P.S. I also get the name
server error for your pointer to 'www.pitt.edu', and I'd love to know
the latest football results.
28) Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995
20:57:05 +0100
From: "Mr J. Tarhanidis" (J.Tarhanidis@liverpool.ac.uk)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: ??
what is northern cyprus i
only know cypriot republic Please tell me you northern cypriot who gave
you the right to post this page.
Please explain to us cypriots
what we should be called. I like your flag which reminds me of something
i was always mixing with
another country. totally
impressed by your work and your opinions.
29) Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995
20:28:59 +0500
From: woodelja@HUGSE1.HARVARD.EDU
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: (no subject)
There is no such thing a
"Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus".
30) Date: Thu, 28 Sep 95
12:58:59 0100
From: recep (ar@sn2.ee.umist.ac.uk)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: www page; Bir yazilim
Selam, Sayfanizin hazirlanmasi
ve verdiginiz mucadele icin tebrik ve basarilar.
Bir yazilim hatasi ni da
size belirtmek istedim. Sayfanin basinda 'sattelite' bildigim
kadari ile 'satellite' olacak...
Dilerim 'ukelalik' olarak almazsiniz....
iyi gunler..
Recep Akmese
31) Date: Fri, 29 Sep 95
14:09:35 +0100
From: M.Irfan@cs.ucl.ac.uk
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Message from Mustafa
Hello, I have just started
a computer course at University College London. It's the first time I have
used the Internet.
I was very pleased to see
that our country is represented on this service, and am writing to congratulate
you on
producing a service of such
good quality.
Kind Regards,
Mustafa Irfan
32) Newsgroups: bit.listserv.hellas
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 13:44:33
Sender: The Hellenic Discussion
From: "C.A. Constantinides" (cac@PIPELINE.COM)
Subject: (fwd) Yahoo kai
TRNC (fwd)
> Forwarded message (Christos
> Tha parakalousa osous
mporoun na steiloun ena mail sto: admin@yahoo.com
> kai na apaitisoun na allaksoun
ton titlo tou listings tous sto:
> http://www.yahoo.com/Regional/Countries
opou emfanizetai san 3exwristh
> xwra h "Turkish Rebublic
of Northern Cyprus". To link odhga se ena allo
> page pou exei ton titlo:
Regional:Countries:Cyprus:North Cyprus pou
> nomizw oti einai entaksei
> Esteila ena mail stous
admin tou Yahoo edw kai 2-3 meres alla den eida
> tipote na diorthwnete.
Ama paroun kamia 30aria minimata gia to idio
> thema na tous ipenthimizoun
oti den iparxei kratos panw sthn gh pou na
> onomazetai "Turkish Rebublic
of Northern Cyprus" nomizw tha peistoun na
> to allaksoun.
> Xristos. -- // Constantinos
A. Constantinides // cac@nyc.pipeline.com
33) Date: 02 Oct 95 17:15:30
From: Fahri Zihni (100700.2463@compuserve.com)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Internet North
Cyprus Web site - comments
Yasar, I have just been reading
"comments" about your first-class North Cyprus site. I would urge my Turkish
Cypriot "vatandaslarimi" not
to be outraged by some the
comments made by some fellow Cypriots (greeks). This may well be the very
first time they are coming into
contact with the true facts
of recent Cyprus history, or, at least, a history which reflects the Turkish
perspective. I suspect this may be true
of others who have so far
been told that Cyprus history started on the day that the Turkish troops
invaded the island in 1974- not 3 weeks
before that when the island
was effectively invaded by Greece! ... This is the strength of the Internet.
Unlike books, you can't burn it. Incidentally,
talking about books, there
is an excellent book full of historical detail rather than rhetoric by
Pierre Oberling called "The road to Bellapis" if
anyone is interested. It
has some of the pre-'74 Macarios speeches quoted make hair-raising reading.
showpiece! (I'll buy you a drink if you come over my way...)
34) Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995
01:15:14 +1030
From: John West (johnwest@zenon.logos.hol.gr)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Home Page
Dear Mr Senturk I read your
home page on the TRNC with great interest -- I am an English journalist
based in southern Nicosia for Reuters news agency.
I travel to the north of
the island from time to time and am very interested in contacting Turkish
Cypriots to get their side of things and a balanced view.
There is so little contact
between the two sides that the Internet can actually be an exciting new
channel. I don't know if you know, but this freedom of
access was an issue hotly
debated in the Greek part of Cyprus, with some people saying they didn't
want to open the gates to Turkish propaganda.
Anyway, here we are now,
on the Net and able to communicate and I'd be happy to hear from you.
John West
35) Date: Tue, 03 Oct 95
05:39:17 -0700 From: tres (tekim@tbsa.com.au) To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: your home page re pressure from greeks to remove Dear Yasar Firstly
thanks again for this excellent home page . I visit your site every time
I get on the internet and I am dependant on it for information and keeping
in touch with how thing are going in north Cyprus. I am in Australia and
have not been back in 18 years. the news from N.Cyprus is a very good service
I thank you again and hope you can continue providing this. anyway thanks
again and good luck yours tres
36) Date: Wed, 04 Oct 95 18:50:45 0100 From: Andreas Loizides (A.Loizides@cs.ucl.ac.uk)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk Subject: A furious GREEK-CYPRIOT X-Url:
http://www.brad.ac.uk/~yysentur/.ncyprus/root.html Firstly, You are talking
about the so called TRNC, which is a term only recognised by Turkey and
Pakistan. That piece of cloth you present as your "flag" is unacceptable.
The real flag is the white one showing Cyprus in orange above twogreen
branches of an olive tree, and is the only one recognised by the whole
world. You talk about the right of the Turkish Cypriot community to be
heard in the U.N and other fora. Noone denies the right of speech to the
Turkish Cypriots. They are the ones that gave up their right to do so when
they decided to withdraw their representatives from the parliament of Cyprus.
You also talk about the "Peace Operation" of the Turkish troops in 1974.
What really happened is that Turkey in an attempt to occupy the island
kicked 200,000 people out of their homes to make them refugees in their
own country, killed, raped defenceless women and children, raviged and
burnt properties and churches and left 1619 people still missing. Is this
a peace operation, or a barbaric invasion? There is a lot of incorrect
and unacceptable data that only missleads and misinforms someone who is
interested in the situation and is not familiar with the subject. I will
not try, for the time being, to argue more and I am waiting for a decend
and sincere reply from you that conveys with the historic facts. Yours
sincerely, Andreas Loizides 2ndyr BSc Computer Science A.Loizides@cs.ucl.ac.uk
37) Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 12:45:32 BST From: Angelina Kyriakidou
Subject: cyprus, To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk My name is Angelina and
I am from CYPRUS. I am Greek Cypriot of-course. I just wanted to tell you
that you are misinformed about everything concerning Cyprus and that you
have no right producing anything that gives false information to the world.But
then you Turks are always doing such things showing your below zero level
of civilisation.You have absolutely no idea of what "human rights" are.I'm
sure you have never realised what your country has done to Cyprus.Greek
Cypriots have been forced to leave their homes,the place where they were
born and become refugees. Do you think that this could be fair in any way?
Even if you don't give me an answer just make this question to yourself.Imagine
how outrageous it is wanting to go and see the place where your parents
were born and raised and be derived of that fundamental right.Have you
ever thought about that? I'm sure you have never really cared about what
is fair or not.You simply are one more tyical Turk:no sense of history,
no sign of feelings,no sense of human rights,no sign of any civilisation.
(If you'd like to give me a reply my E-mail address is A.Kyriakidou@uea.ac.uk)
38) Date: Fri, 06 Oct 1995 17:49:50 +0500 From:
1@ithaca.edu Subject:
(no subject) To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk X-Url: http://pulex.med.virginia.edu/ncyprus/index.html
How dare you tell all these lies on the internet? I think you are a bunch
of selfish assholes and your objective is not peace in Cyprus, but the
division of Cyprus! But then what would you expect from turkish pigs, right?
Yes I am a Greek Cypriot and i will never stop fighting for the liberation
of Cyprus and the return to my homwtown , Famagusta.
39) Date: Sat, 07 Oct 95 13:59:38 -0700 From:
"Levent H. Orer" (bg04226@goodnet.com)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk Subject: kibris sayfanizi ziyaret ettik.
tebrikler. sayin yasar bey, kibris'li room-mate'im tamer nami ile birlikte
kibris sayfanizi bugun ziyaret ettik ve tebriklerimizi size bildirmek istedik.
Sizden ufak bir ricam var: KKTC haritasindaki sehir isimlerini Turkce olarak
yazabilir misiniz? Tesekkurler, Levent H. ORER LORER@BPAOSF.BPA.ARIZONA.EDU
40) Date: 11 Oct 95 01:21:41 EDT
From: "Eric J. Neufeld" (76634.713@compuserve.com)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Information
I have been a regular visitor
to your North Cyprus Web site for some time. I find it to be an excellent
and informative homepage and
keep returning to learn
more about the country. My interest comes from the fact that my brother
and his wife recently took up teaching
positions at the International
American University. I have been casting about for a way to get EMail to
them and for them to respond at
a reasonable cost. I noticed
on your homepage that there is a reference to a business known as Comtech
which is developing a web site
for that university.
I sent an EMail message a
few days ago to the address specified H.Kansu@simurg.iau.edu.tr. I received
a message back indicating that
this address did not exist.
I had hoped to make contact with my brother through this source, but have
had no luck. Is this the correct EMail
address or have I somehow
made an error? Do you have any suggestions as to how my brother and I might
establish contact? I tried sending
a message to the Mahir BBS
but got no reply.
Thank you for whatever help
you are able to offer.
Eric Neufeld Regina,
Saskatchewan, Canada
41) Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995
19:12:40 +0100 (BST)
From: "E.Cankan" (E.Cankan@accounting-and-finance.hull.ac.uk)
X-Sender: afm6ec@humus To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
merhaba I took your address
from the home page of T.R.N.C . And I thought that it will be a good idea
to contact with you.
I am studying M.B.A in financial
management in University of Hull. I came to England two months ago and
Internet is the only
way that I can get some
news about my country. And I just want to thank you about the home page
of T.R.N.C .
42) Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995
18:05:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Nicholas Neophytou (neophyto@polaris.ncs.nova.edu)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: You are a lier!!
How can you even remotely
suggest the existance of a "Northern CYPRUS?" How can you imagine a turkish
I wish I had the time now
to chat with an ignorant like youself but I have to go and do some more
important "real" stuff in
contradiction to your own
"imaginary" world. I wll be writing very soon. Oh, by the way Internet
is supposed to be a trustfull
and reliable source of information.
Do you consider your page to be one? I don't think so. Sleep toonight in
your small
imaginary dream world, and
I'll be talking to you soon.
Nicholas Neophytou
43) Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95
15:50:04 0000
From: hm204 (hm204@greenwich.ac.uk)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: kibris /cyprus
X-Url: http://www.brad.ac.uk/~yysentur/.ncyprus/root.html
Yasar may I first of all
congratulate you on a well thought out and informative page I am a cypriot
turk and at the moment I am at
greenwich university studying
computer science. I am currently on my final year and i was happy to find
a page which lets me look
at pictures of cyprus from
time to time . I would just like to say that I have read alot of the mail
that our greekfriends are sending in
and i find it hard to believe
that they want to havethis page banned . At the end of the day unless we
communicate with each otherlike
human beings their is no
way that we will even begin to find a solution so that cyprus can be united
First of all the greeks should
start to think for them- selves and not rely on what their political leaders
have brainwashed them with.
Do they really believe that
the turks just got up one day in 1974 and decided to invade cyprus?. The
cyprus problem goes back many
years and is a complex situation
involving other countries. So what i urge the greek cypriots to do is to
start to think for themselves as
i cannot believe that educated
people of which their are many in south cyprus can have such a narrow minded
view. Both the turks and
the greeks lost alot during
the 1974 war most of my family lost their homes during this time (we are
from paphos) what we must make
sure is that it doesn't
happen again. The first step is to leave the past behind and start again.
Finally let me leave you with one thought
how many more years will
this hate between are two communities go on for? we must make a real effort
to find a solution that is good
for both communities now,
before other countries force us into one like they have done elsewhere.
yours sincerely
Murat Hassan
44) From apoel@zenon.logos.hol.gr
Tue Oct 31 15:23:25 1995
From: apoel@zenon.logos.hol.gr
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 95 17:18:01
-0800 Mime-Version: 1.0
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: (no subject) Content-Transfer-Encoding:
Dear Bastard, Just wondering
how your little mind led to you to write such bullshit. I hope that you
don't really beleive any of this and you got
payed well enough to waste
your time to write such shit. I liked the ancient Greek Cypriot Monuments
and all the Greek history which you portray
as yours. You've been on
the island since 1751 and you claim to have a history of 2000 years. Where
the FUCK did you get art and history you
stupid son-of a- bitch.
You STOLE it! The question is from whom ? The Armenians, the Curds or the
Greeks, I guess you lost count!
An angry real=Cypriot.
45) Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995
17:11:30 +0000
From: LEO Lab
Subject: (no subject)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
X-Url: http://www.brad.ac.uk/~yysentur/.ncyprus/root.html
46) Date: Thu, 09 Nov 1995
05:15:45 +0600
From: Ellsworth Computer
Lab ("Ellsworth Hall"@falcon.cc.ukans.edu)
Subject: Tebrikler To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
X-Url: http://pulex.med.virginia.edu/ncyprus/index.html
Selam!!! Herseyden once seni
tebrik etmek istiyorum. Benim bildigim KIBRIS'I cok iyi anlatmissin. Herhangi
bir konuda ihtiyacin olursa yardima
hazirim. Yalniz Turgut Durduran'in
web-page'inde aldigin muziklerin bazilarinda, sahsen ben,kendi kulturumden
bir sey bulamadim. CYPRUS
ANTIPHONS 1,2 bana ve arkadaslara
kilise muzigni hatirlatti. Onlarin kulturlerine saygimiz var ama kendi
kulturumuz gibiymis gibi gorunmesin.
Dusuncelerinden anladigim
kadariyla K.K.T.C.'YI savunan ender arkadaslardan birisin.(INTERNET'TE!!!)
Kusura bakma, konudan konuya atliyorum
E-MAIL: keremcan@falcon.cc.ukans.edu.
47) Date: Thu, 09 Nov 1995
18:23:00 -0800
From: pc5103@medusa.ceid.upatras.gr
Subject: Freedom to Cyprus
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Dear friend I would like
to inform you that there is no country recognizen from U.N. organazition
such as North Cyprus .
The one and only Cyprus
is Greek. The northern part of the island had violently taken from Cyprus
of Greece
48) From: SADIK (su4m@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu)
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 95 21:42:13
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Sayin Yasar Senturk, Ben
Kuzey Kibrisli SadIk Ulker. Amerika'da Elektrik Muhendisligi ogrenimi gormekteyim...
Homepage'inizi cok begendigim....
Gercekten takdir edilir
bir sekilde hazirlamissiniz. Eger izin verirseniz sizin resimlerden birkac
tanesinin kopyasini aliyorum (tabii bu cok kolay bir olay,
mouse un sag tusuna basarak,
istedigim dosyayi kopyalayabiliyorum).... Umarim sizin icin bir problem
yoktur. Bu konuda yazismak isterseniz e mail
adresim "su4m@Virginia.edu".
Basarilarinizin devamini dilerim,
University of Virginia,
Electrical Engineering
( *
tel: (804) 243 0593
e-mail: su4m@Virginia.EDU
49) From: Hans van der Velde (Hans_vander_Velde@hpitcb.desk.hp.com)
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 95 20:11:25
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: cyprus problem
Yashar Senturk,
How is it possible that
you have written such nonsense about the Cyprus- problem? How can you say
that the case of the 1619 missing
Greek-Cypriots is based
on deceit and deliberate falsehood? How can you say that it is the fault
of the Greek-Cypriots? Either you are
crazy or you are really
that stupid! Turkey violently attacked the Greek-Cypriots. The Greek-cypriots
had to flee from their houses.
A lot of Greek-Cypriots were wounded, raped and killed. Even nowadays the
Greek-Cypriots are
not allowed to go back to
their old houses, friends, shops etc. They are not allowed to go into North-Cyprus.
And how can you say that
there has not been any violence
since 1974? Even in these days there are still fights between the Turkish-Cypriots
and Greek-Cypriots.
You had better get the right
information before writing such crapp on internet. No, I'm not a Greek-Cypriot
who wants revanche. I'm just
someone from The Netherlands
who has studied on the subject and who got the right information.
50) From: Tacar Gokdemir (tacar@pegasus.eee.kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 95 14:44:46
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: unreadable text
X-Url: http://www.brad.ac.uk/~yysentur/.ncyprus/root.html
Dear senturk, I congradulate
you for writting such good www pages. Since I am a norh cypriot-turkish,
I had a go on the pages
. There ara lots of information
on cyprus which I consider to be interesting
and well explained. When
I saw the www pages I was very proud but i like to make some comments.
1) Some of the font types
not easy to see and read, and does not look good.
2) Some text are very difficult
to read. such as small white text on bright blue back ground colour
Tacar Gokdemir
51) From: Michael Stamatogianis
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 95 13:47:47
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
X-Url: http://www.brad.ac.uk/~yysentur/.ncyprus/root.html
I would like to ask your
opinion about the Republic of Cyprus and the turkish troops of the island.
Would you like to see a free, united Cyprus.
Thank you,
Michalis P. Stamatogiannis
student in the Univercity
of Cyprus.
52) From: GeorgiouL@aol.com
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 23:18:47
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: CYPRUS
Mr Senturk,
You ask if there are any
suggestions about the page that you have in the Internet. MY suggestion
to you is to erase this page as soon aspossible,
because you say and you
show things that only you and Turkey beilive that.For example the fantastic
republic that you Create and only Turkey
recognize this. The "Turkish
republic of Northern Cyprus". Can you tell me which Country or which International
Organazition regognize this republic or
that piece of cloth That
you represent as your Flag. In Cyprus thare is only one Flag and one real
goverment and that goverment is the Cypriot Goverment.
Yestarday it was the date
that before 12 years Turkey Create this thing that they call it TRNC. Dont
forget that your lovely Country, In 1974 Invaded Cyprus,
Killed 3000 Men raped Thousands
of women and Created 200000 regugees. I fell very but for you if you are
proud for those sh.... that you call them Turkey
and TRNC. But you should
know that one dayyou are going to pay for all this terrable things that
your country did and still doing in the world. Dont forget the
genocide of 1.5 million
Armenians that your lovely Country did or the thousands of dead Kourds.
Dear Senturk, you must undersand that the TRNC will never
be regognized by The entire
world- Except Turkey- and erese your page from the Internet. You know that
what I am Saying is truth and I know that you are fell
bad foryour Country but
as I told you one day you will going to pay for all the things that you
did to this world
DONT FORGET !!!!!!!!!!!
53) Date: Fri, 17 Nov 95
18:10:08 -0800
From: mehmet.kadir@canada.cdev.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Home page
I am impressed with the home
page, excellent work, congradulatios.
I am proud of you. I am
a turkish cypriot.
Mehmet Kadir
54) Date: Sun, 19 Nov 95
13:31:02 -0800
From: rosst@vax.ox.ac.uk
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: (no subject)
Dear Mr Senturk, It is odd
that someone of your academic gravitas should not point out that the region
in the North is infact under occupation -
a notion underlined by the
fact that the occupied area is one of the most highly militarised areas
in the world. Let us also not forget all the
enclaved whose human rights
are being violated on a daily level. These are objective and unmistakable
facts - but then if one has one's own axe
to grind,these are quite
easy to surpass. The notion asserted by some that Cyprus is Greek is total
and utter CRAP - the fact that the island
as a whole has a predominantly
Hellenic culture does not make for an extension of Greece. The fact is
that Cyprus has a distinct character as
it is not wholly Greek but
substantially otherwise.
- all Greeks and Turks have
no business meddling there, so bugger off!
55) Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995
12:40:41 +0100
From: lloizus@glam.ac.uk
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: There is only one
What are this bullsheets
you are saying about TRNC .
Go and read some- thing about
history (real history) and show me whwre it is saying about TRNC.
CYPRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REFUGEE (SINCE 1974)!!!!!!
56) Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995
09:21:34 -0800
From: "Robert W. Gore" (Rozum@u.arizona.edu)
Subject: Our land and those
who destroyed it...
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Dear Sir, I am eager to break
21 years of enforced silence and unexpressed views.
Please do so indicate if
you also so wish. It is up to us to "Make It So...", and to
make it happen.
Panayiotis A. Ellinas
57) Date: Tue, 28 Nov 95
21:15:16 0000
From: "Izzet Kale (SPG)"
Mime-Version: 1.0 To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Selam Ya$ar, I have been
following the EXCELLENT job both you and Erhan Ince have been doing for
quite a while now and would like to
congradulate you and say
well done and keep it up. Bir nokta da, senin swiss.html'inde map of Kyrenia'an
yanli$ file'a bagli. Girne yerine
Lefko$a'yi verir. I thought
you might want to correct it.
All the best, Izzet KALE
58) Date: Mon, 04 Dec 95
23:27:28 0500
From: Bjorn Gustavsson (bjorn.gustavsson@jmg.gu.se)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Massmedia on Cyprus
X-Url: http://www.brad.ac.uk/~yysentur/.ncyprus/doc2.html
Hello, My name is Karin Henriksson
and I'm a student at the department of journalism and masscommunication
at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.
I'm working on an essay
on the media structure on Cyprus. I'm especially interested in the newspapers,
both the turkish ones and the greek ones. I'm leaving
for Cyprus on Sunday december
10 in company with a group of six students. I would really appreciate if
you could help me in any way. I4m intersted in getting
in touch with journalists
working on Cyprus and I4m also interested in any kind of information that
might be useful for my trip. I would be truly grateful for a
response from you.
Yours sincerely,
Karin Henriksson
e-mail: karin.henriksson@jmg.gu.se
59) Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995
14:51:53 GMT
From: asa.eriksson@jmg.gu.se
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: cypriotic media
Hello, My name is Åsa
Eriksson and I study journalism in Gothenburg together with Karin Henriksson
to whom you wrote on tuesday december 5th
about cypriotic media. We´re
very grateful that you answered so quickly. The adresses were very useful
for our work. Now we have some more questions
about northern Cyprus. How
and from where is the republic of northern Cyprus ruled? Is there any cooperation
between the greek and the turkish side?
Does the state use censorship
towards the press? Do you have any other information about the terms of
work for the turkish-cypriotic journalists?
If you can help us in any
way, by answering our questions or recommending litterature, we would be
very grateful.
Yours sincerely, Åsa
e-mail: asa.eriksson@jmg.gu.se
60) Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995
20:45:13 +0300
From: Yiapatos Michael (yiapatos@spidernet.com.cy)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Since when the Turkish occupied
Cyprus has become "North Cyprus" Turke.
There are a lot thinks i
would like to write to you but i am sure that you will
turn them against me. Imagine
61) Date: Thu, 28 Dec 95
20:42:05 -0800
From: Demetris Matheou (steiger@spidernet.com.cy)
To: Y.Y.Senturk@bradford.ac.uk
Subject: Re: hello fuckers.