North Cyprus  

History of Cyprus Turkish Football Federation
  Cyprus Turkish Football FederationFor the past 40 years, there had been two separate football federations in Cyprus, one for the Greek-Cypriots and another for the Turkish-Cypriots, borne out of the fact that Greek-Cypriots had segregated themselves from the Turkish-Cypriots and had imposed embargoes. 

On April 3, 1955, only a couple of days after the Greek-Cypriot terrorist organisation EOKA started its bloody campaign to achieve the unification of Cyprus with Greece (ENOSIS).

The Turkish-Cypriot football team Çetinkaya was barred, without prior warning or explanation, from playing in a match with the Greek-Cypriot team Pezoporikos at Nicosia stadium.

`Nicosia Turkish Sports Club' football team, the champions for 1934-35 season
`Nicosia Turkish Sports Club' football team, the champions for 1934-35

Thousands of disappointed Turkish-Cypriot spectators who were turned away from the gates recall the incident vividly. A week later, the Greek-Cypriot Sports Council (TESK) officially announced their racist decision to bar Turkish-Cypriot teams from playing at all on the existing sports fields. On October 30, 1955, the Cyprus Football Union (KOP) decided to expel all Turkish-Cypriot teams. As a result, the Turkish-Cypriots had no choice but to establish their own football federation.

This separation occurred while the island was under British rule. In 1960, the independent Republic of Cyprus was established with the equal and joint participation of the two founding communities -Turkish-Cypriots and Greek-Cypriots. Under the Constitution, two Communal Chambers were formed to run purely communal affairs independently. Religion, education, culture, and sports were specifically defined as communal affairs under Articles 86, 87, 89, 108 and 182 of the 1960 Constitution and were administered separately.

  Currently, the embargoes imposed by the Greek-Cypriots against the Turkish-Cypriots, bar the Turkish-Cypriot youth, and sports clubs from international contact in all spheres, including sports.

In spite of the gross distortion of the facts and negative propaganda from the Greek-Cypriot side, the fact remains that there are currently two independent states in Cyprus, one in the North and one in the South. US President Bill Clinton states that "Cyprus has two owners". The UN Secretary- General states that "Cyprus is the homeland of both communities, who are political equals" and that the "Cyprus issue is not a majority-minority issue". Since the Greek-Cypriot administration of Southern Cyprus has no jurisdiction or authority over the territorial integrity and sovereignty of North Cyprus, the Greek-Cypriot "Cyprus Football Association" has no say or authority over any kind of football activity in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

urkish Cypriot football club Cetinkaya, the champions for 1952-53 season
Turkish-Cypriot football club Çetinkaya, Cyprus League champions for 1952-53 season

In the past, FIFA has been well informed and was fair in its relations with Cyprus and its two communities. Sir Stanley Rous, FIFA president from 1960 to 1963, is respected for successfully intermediating between the presidents of the Turkish and Greek-Cypriot football federations. Although Sir Stanley finally managed to bring the two presidents to agreement, the Greek-Cypriot president later had to bow to the Greek-Cypriot political leadership and reject the proposals he had accepted.

A former FIFA general secretary Dr Kaser's decision in 1975 to grant general special permission to the Turkish-Cypriot Football Federation to play matches with teams from other national associations which are members of FIFA, with the exception of official competitions. Although that decision is still in effect, the Turkish-Cypriot Football Federation and football supporters are unable to comprehend the reasoning behind the recent change that current FIFA administration of Mr Blatter had brought to FIFA policy, a reasoning which only helped to perpetuate the sports embargo instigated by the South Cyprus.

The Turkish-Cypriot Football Federation continues to ask FIFA Secretary-General to reconsider his stand and support a fair and balanced attitude to the Turkish-Cypriot Football Federation.
