Süleyman Uluçamgil (1944-1963)
in the village of Fota /Dagyolu (Cyprus) on 28 March 1944, the poet finished
his primary education in his village, high school in Nicosia, and was studying
for a degree in Law at the University of Istanbul when he was killed in
ambush at Erenköy, Cyprus during the inter-communal strife in 1963.His first poem was published
in the literary paper Nacak, and most of his other poems have been
published after his death by his close friend poet Orbay Deliceirmak
in a book titled Bir Sehitten Seslenisler (Voices from a Dead Hero).

In his poems Süleyman Uluçamligil
mainly used the patriotic themes describing the situation of his fellow
countrymen had been subjected to.
He has written in the -serbest nazim-
(a non-rhymic poems) style, using a purer form of Turkish language.
In one of his works (in Turkish)
he writes:
"Çektigimiz sömürgeci kahrina ortak Mesarya,
Çektigimce acinin Türkiyesizligini,... Inaniyorum bir tek vatana,
Yüreklere degin dibelikten, Ne çikar aramizda Akdeniz varsa,
Ne fark var aramizda, Hep ayni sinirlarda savasmisiz,
Kimimiz ölürken diyoruz, Kimimiz ölürkana." |
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