in North Cyprus
| Band
(mn TL)
| Cumulative
Taxable Income (mn TL)
| Taxation
on the Band (000 TL)
| Cumulative
Income Tax (000 TL)
| 15
| 15
| 3,750
| 3,750
| 16
| 31
| 4,800
| 8,550
| 25
| 56
| 8,750
| 17,350
| 35
| 91
| 14,000
| 31,300
| 45
| 136
| 20,250
| 51,550 |
Used for
all additional income
Tax Allowances |
Tax Allowances
| 1994
(000 TL)
| 1995
(000 TL)
| 28,800
| 13,200
- Additional
allowances for taxpayer are: For wife
| 1,728
| 792
each of those whose status at the begining of the year are:
Children younger than the age of 16 and
| 1,140
| 660
going to school
| 1,140
| 660
Child following elementary education
| 1,140
| 660
Unmarried daughter with no income
Son serving military service
| 1,728
| 792
Handicapped child
| 1,728
| 792
Child under 20 and undergoing secondary education
| 1,728
| 792
For those over the age of 65
| 1,140
| 660
Child under 18 and undergoing education outside TRNC
| 1,728
| 792
Child between the ages of 18 and 27 and undergoing higher education
| 2,280
| 1,320
In case of payments made to divorced wife
| 1,152
| 528
person's allowance: 100% loss of ability
| 8,640
| 3,960
person's allowance: 50% loss of ability
| 4,320
| 1,980
allowance on earned net income: Under PAYE
| 20%
| 20%
allowance on earned net income: Others
| 10%
| 10%
reductions will be made from the tax payable of those persons with three
or more children: For the third child
| 15%
| 15%
for every additional child
| 5%
| 5%
Taxation |
- The corporate tax rate applicable to both local and foreign companies is
25%. There are the following exemptions:
- 20% of the turnover obtained from exports is exempt from corporation tax,
but this amount cannot exceed 80% of the net profit obtained from such
- Foreign taxes paid on profits derived abroad can be deducted from corporation
tax that is payable on the foreign profits.
- The profits of foreign transporters are arrived at by applying the following
rates to their sales:
- Land and sea transport: 10%
- Air transport: 5%
Expenses |
Expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for obtaining the net profit, except as explained below, can be deducted from income if they are substantiated.
Saloon car expenses: An amount at most equal to 50% of total saloon
car expenses can be deducted.
Travelling expenses, Tickets, Travel allowance: There is no
limitation on expenditure. Companies engaged in either export or
manufacturing can claim up to 50 days of allowance. Other companies
can claim up to 30 days allowance.
Advertising: Cannot exceed 5% of gross profit.
Entertaining: Cannot exceed 4% of gross profit for either export
or manufacturing companies, and 2% of gross profit for all other
Donations: Cannot exceed 5% of net profit.
and Investment Allowances |
| Capital
Allowance (%)
| Investment
Allowance (%)
| 33
| 20
| 4
| 10
| 3
| 5
| 4
| 10
Wooden cottage or temporary
| 10
| 5
Heating or air conditioning plant
| 10
| 10
| 10
| 0
and fixtures:
| 10
| 10
and machinery:
| 10
| 20
motor cars:
| 15
| -
Taxies, lorries etc.
| 20
| 20
"T" licensed
| 25
| 20
Van and freight vehicles
| 20
| 20
Note: Investment allowances are given in addition to capital allowances and
the rates can be increased up to three times of those given above by the
Council of Ministers. In order to qualify for investment allowance the fixed
assets must be used for the first time except in the case of them being imported. |
Profit on Sale of Immovable
Property |
Profits made by those engaged in the sale of immovable property is arrived by
applying the rate of 25% to the higher of sale price or market value. But in
case of actual net profit being more than this amount, profit as per the accounts
forms the taxable amount. 25% of the higher of sale price or market is the amount
on which withholding tax is calculated. This tax is deducted from the final tax
liability for the year. Real persons with sales of over three properties per year
and companies are regarded as engaged in the sale of immovable property.
Profit made by those not engaged in the sale of immovable property is arrived as
above. 30% of this profit is exempt from taxation and 20% is payable on the amount
of profit after this exemption on any completion of transaction. This tax forms
the final liability.
Incentive Law |
1. The incentives apply to local and foreign real or legal entities.
2. Those who want to benefit from any of the incentives must apply to Ministry
of Tourism to obtain an Incentive Certificate.
3. Incentives are:
- The Ministry of Tourism can rent or lease land and buildings that are
allocated to it.
- Materials needed for the touristic buildings can be exempted from Custom
Duty with the permit of the Ministry of Tourism.
- Net income from investments, the projects of which are approved and are
built after 30.6.1987, is exempt from income and corporation tax for a
period of ten years commencing from the date at which the investment was
documented and business commenced.
- In cases where the bed capacity of the existing buildings are increased,
the net profit derived from the additional capacity is also exempt from taxation
for ten years.
- Expenditure to increase the star quality, building of a swimming pool,
sports facility or similar buildings can be written off in two years
accelerated depreciation starting from the end of such expenditure.
- Those obtaining tax exemption cannot carry forward any losses accumulated
in the exemption period.
- If a public company registered in TRNC obtains tax exemption, the period
of exemption is increased to thirteen (13) years.
- Operators of such touristic buildings can deduct from their net profits
20% of the Turkish Lira (TL) equivalent of foreign exchange they bring to
TRNC and exchange them to Turkish Lira at the official rate of exchange.
Port and Zone |
Profits derived from approved operations by those persons and companies who
have obtained Operating Licences are exempt from income and corporation
tax. But profits derived from the export of goods and services to TRNC other
than those produced in the Free Port and Zone are not within the scope of this
Taxes |
| Rate,
% As per tax Computation
From payments to foreign persons or legal entities. Re. services rendered
| 15
From payments made to foreign building contractors
| 5
From patent right payments made to foreigners
| 10
From payments made to foreign artists
| 10
From payments for goodwill
| 20
From payments made to growers regarding crops (In case of annual payment
being greater than 1 million TL):
Dry Farming:
| 1/2
Animal Husbandry:
| 1
Irrigation Farming:
| 1
From those trading in immovabke property (On 25% of the higher amount of
market value or sale price)
| 25
From bank interest obtained by legal persons
| 10
From interest paid by those other than banks or cooperatives
| 20
From dividens
| 15
From undistributed net income of corporations, including foreign companies
| 15
From rents
| 15
From casinos (20% of gross takings)
| 50
From payments to foreign carriers or transporters depending on the income
liable to corporation tax
| 36
From retained earnings of all companies
| 15
Withholding taxes can be offset against income tax by real and against corporation
tax by legal entities. Taxes withheld for those not resident in TRNC from their
final liability and no offset is possible. Except for withholding taxes on rent
and sale of immovable property, the tax is withheld and deposited to the Tax
Office by those who make the above named payments. Withholding taxes paid by
casinos from their final tax liability. |
of Tax and Deductions |
Corporation tax is payable in two equal installments; by the end of May and
Income tax is paid by the end of the month following the month of withholding.
Withholding taxes are paid by the 15th of the month following the month of
Interest on late payment is 10% for the first month and 6% for taxes, 5% for
social security and 15% for provident fund, for every proceeding month that
the payment is overdue.
Security and Provident Fund Premiums |
Social Security
Minimum and maximum amounts on which premiums are based are:
| Minimum
| Maximum
| 165,000
| 600,000
| 4,950,000
| 18,000,000
Employees |
Premium payments are made on amounts that are within the above earning limits
at the following rates:
Employees' contribution: 8%
Employers' contribution: 10%
The employers' contribution given above is for those insured that are in the
first danger category. For each increase in the danger level the employers'
contribution increases by an additional 1/2%.
Self-Employed and Employers
The insured pay premiums at rates, depending on danger category, on monthly
income levels determined by the Council of Ministers at three monthly intervals.
The contribution rate of those at the first danger level is 15% and this
rate increases by 1/2% for every increase in danger level.
Any payments made to social security funds cannot exceed the below limits for
income tax purposes.
Paid by Employer: Cannot exceed 19% of gross salary.
Self Employed: Cannot exceed 13% of gross fee.
Fund |
Rates at which monthly contributions are made from salaries are:
Employee 5%, and
- Employer 5%.
Self employed and employers are not required to contribute.
Duty |
From the assesed value of the estate of a deceased person, the following
deductions will be made:
Amount (000 TL) |
General allowance |
247,140 |
Allowance for living spouse |
24,714 |
For each unmarried child who at date of death are
below the age of 18 |
24,214 |
For each unmarried daughter over 18 with no income |
24,714 |
For each child between the ages of 18 and 27
undergoing higher education |
24,714 |
For each child not falling into any of the above
categories |
16,476 |
In the case of the death of both parents, for each
unmarried child who is under the age of 18 on the
death of the latter parent |
49,428 |
For each child who have died before the deceased if
the child has living children |
16,476 |
The above allowances are based on the minimum wage and hence will change as
the wage changes. |
Duty Table |
All Deductions Being Made the Rate of Duty is:
| 1
| to
| 10,000,000
| 5
| 10,000,001
| to
| 20,000,000
| 10
| 20,000,001
| to
| 35,000,000
| 15
| 35,000,001
| to
| 50,000,000
| 20
| 50,000,001
| to
| 75,000,000
| 25
amounts greater than
| 75,000,000
| ..
| ..
| 30
Note: Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of
this guide, no responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies.
At the same time it must be remembered that law and practice may
also change. Accordingly, competent professional advice should
be obtained before acting on the basis of information included
in this guide. |
References |
North Cyprus Business Guide, 1994;
Published by D.K. Deniz & Co. Chartered Accountants,
15 Memduh Asaf St.,
Nicosia - North Cyprus,
via Mersin 10, Turkey
Tel. 00-90-392-228 6708
Fax: 00-90-392-228 6709