Cyprus Business Guide |
During the last few years the importance of Turkish Republic
of Northern Cyprus as an Offshore business centre has increased
substantially. So this guide has been necessitated by the
increasing demand of the foreign businessmen for up-to-date
information concerning offshore business activities using
Northern Cyprus as their base. This guide explains very briefly
the forms of legal entity to be used, the exchange control
considerations, the tax and other concessions offered to such
businesses and gives some genera, information about Northern
Information About North Cyprus |
The island of Cyprus is situated in the north-eastern part
of the Mediterranean Sea, at the crossroads of Europe, Asia,
and Africa. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)
occupies the north of the island with an area of 1,295 square
Government |
The TRNC was declared an independent republic in 1983 with a
western democratic government system. Turkish is the official
language of the Republic. The English language is widely spoken
and understood and is regularly used in commerce, the courts,
government and in education.
Economy |
The economy is based on the free enterprise system,
with the private sector being the backbone of economic activity.
Government pursues a stimulating economic policy aimed at promoting
and maintaining a favourable investment conditions and supplementing
where considered necessary, private initiative. Thus, Government,
apart from developing the island's infrastructure, provides
indicative planning to the private sector and controls provision of
public utilities.
Climate |
The summer in North Cyprus is always long and dry, while winter is
generally mild. Mean temperatures range from 10C or 50F in December
to 35C or 96F in August. All parts of the island enjoy a very sunny
Communications |
There are very good communications all over the country. Main roads
connect all towns and most of the villages. Driving is on the left
side of the road, as in Britain. Frequent bus services exist both
in the towns and vice versa. Taxis also provide considerable services
of transport between and within towns and villages.
Travel |
There are two national airports, the main Ercan
Airport, situated
near Nicosia, and Gecitkale Airport, near Famagusta. These handle
scheduled flights operated by Cyprus Turkish Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Istanbul Airlines, and Onur Air and Mediterranean Airlines handle a significant number of chartered passenger and freight flights. The seaport of Famagusta offers the most up to date ferry
Telecommunications |
The telecommunication system of North Cyprus is very efficient. It
is connected with many countries by automatic telephone lines. Some
institutions in the country also provide connections to the Internet.
of Immovable Property |
Government permission is required for purchase of immovable property
in the TRNC by foreigners or foreign-controlled concerns. Individuals
wishing to purchase a plot of land for their dwelling can usually
obtain permission without any difficulty.
Currency |
The legal currency of the TRNC is Turkish Lira.
Hours |
Local time is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
Business Hours (open to public):
8:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00 Monday to Saturday. Between
May and September, the afternoon service between 16:00-19:00
Between October and May 8:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00, Mondays to
Fridays. Between May and October: 7:30-14:00 and 15:30-18:00 Mondays,
and 7:30-14:00, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Generally between 8:00-12:00, but afternoon times vary depending
on the bank.
Holidays |
New Years Day; Children's Day (23 April); Youth Day (19 May);
Independence Day (20 July); TMT Day (1 August); Victory Day
(30 August); Republic Day (29 October); Declaration of TRNC (15
November). Added to the above are two religious holidays, Ramazan
Bayram (3 days), and Kurban Bayram (4 days).
System |
The TRNC legal system is based on that of England. English case law
is closely followed and most statutes regarding business matters are
based on English Laws.
and Auditing Requirements |
Books and Records
Proper accounting records must be kept in accordance with the
TRNC Companies Law.
Audited Accounts and Statements
Audited accounts and statements must be presented at every annual
general meeting. Such accounts must be audited by an auditor
authorised by the Ministry of Finance. This applies to all offshore
companies. The books and records may be kept in any currency, but
audited statements and accounts should be translated into Turkish
whenever they are submitted to any government department.
System |
The TRNC legal system is based on that of England. English case law
is closely followed and most statutes regarding business matters are
based on English Laws.
Labour |
The minister of Health and Labour is responsible for administering
the various laws and regulations covering among other things working
and safety requirements in factories, industrial relations settlements
of trade disputes, protection of minimum wages, hour of work, holidays,
and vacations etc.
Working hours are normally forty hours per week, Monday to Friday.
Higher rates are paid for overtime and night works as well as work
on Saturdays and public holidays. All employees are entitled to by
law to a minimum of 13 working days vacation a year. It is however,
customary in most businesses to pay a -13th - month's salary at the
end of the year. All earnings - related social security system was
introduced in 1976 under which employer and employee contribute 10%
and 8% respectively of the employee's earnings (there are minimum
and maximum). Also there is Provident Fund under which employer and
employee contribute 5% each of the employee's earnings. this is a
type of retirement fund payable to the employee when he or she ceases
to be employed.
Languages |
The official
language of the TRNC is Turkish. However, English is very widely
used both by the Government and by the private sector.
Communications with any Government Department may be made in
English and is perfectly acceptable.
References |
North Cyprus Business Guide, 1994;
Published by D.K. Deniz & Co. Chartered Accountants,
15 Memduh Asaf St.,
Nicosia - North Cyprus,
via Mersin 10, Turkey
Tel. 00-90-392-228 6708
Fax: 00-90-392-228 6709