Born in
in 1945,
Gönen Atakol graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts). She won
the Edwin W. Zoller Academic and artistic prize in 1971. She continued her artistic work in the United States between 1971-1985, and opened exhibitions
in North America, Turkey, Europe, and North Cyprus. Her major works were exhibited in 1985 in an exhibition in Nicosia.
Atakol also represented Northern Cyprus in an exhibition of works of artists from Islamic societies, which was held in New York, in September 1986. Her
works are now exhibited in museums in America, England, Germany, Turkey,
North Cyprus, and are also held in private collections.
(acyrlic, 56 x 84 cm)

"The arched house"
(acyrilic, 56 x 66 cm) |