Seafood |
(Cuttlefish cooked with its ink) |
Ingredients |
1 kg cuttlefish -eyes, beaks and guts removed; several ink sacks reserved for
- 2 medium onions -finely chopped
- 3-4 garlic cloves -crushed
- 60 ml (4 tablespoons) olive oil
- ¼ litre dry white wine
- 2 large ripe tomatoes -coarsely chopped
- 1 tablespoon brandy
- ½ tablespoon starch
- Pinch of cayenne pepper
- Seasoning
Preparation |
Put the olive oil into a large saucepan and place the pan on high heat. When
the oil is hot, fry the chopped onions until soft. Add the crushed garlic and
fry few more minutes. Then add the cuttlefish and cook them 20-25 minutes on
low heat. Add the wine, chopped tomatoes and pinch of cayenne pepper, cover
and cook 30 more minutes.
Dissolve the starch with little water in a small bowl, add the ink sacks and
pour all into the saucepan together with the brandy. Season well, cover the
saucepan with the lid and cook for 45 minutes or until they are very tender.
Serve hot.
Recipies |

References |
- Vegetarian
dishes have been marked with sign

- Albrecht, M.
(1994), Turkish Cypriot and Mediterranean Cookery,
Havellia Publishing, London.
- Salaman, R.,
(1991), The Cooking of Greece and Turkey, Sainsbury
Cookbooks, London.
- Jemal, H., Cyprus
Today, various.
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