Turkish-Cypriot Cuisine
North Cyprus  

Pasta & Rice dishes

Bulgur Pilavi (Cracked wheat pilaf)

  Bulgur Pilavi (Crushed wheat pilaf)The delectable taste of this Cypriot dish is quite surprising and far from bland although its ingredients may seem humble at first. 

It can be served with bumbar, fried fish, squid or a meat casserole. Serve fresh yogurt with it.

  • Serves 4-6
  • Time: 30 minutes
  • 125 ml (4 fl oz) olive or groundnut oil
  • 1 medium-size onion -sliced very finely
  • 25 gr (1 oz) vermicelli
  • 250 gr (8 oz) bulghur (cracked wheat) -picked clean
  • 300 ml (½ pint) chicken (or vegetable) stock
  • Salt and pepper

Heat the oil and saute the onion until it glistens; add the vermicelli, breaking it with your hands. Continue to saute together for 4-5 minutes until it all looks pale golden.

Place the bulghur in a fine sieve, wash it briefly under running water and add it to the saucepan. Add the chicken stock and season, but do not add salt if your stock was made from a stock cube; mix well.

Cover the pan and simmer very gently for 6-7 minutes at most, until the mixture is dry. Cover with tea towel, place the lid tightly on top and let it stand for 10 minutes before serving. (On uncovering the saucepan you will find its aroma is quite overpowering.) The bulgur pilavi will keep quite hot and fresh, if covered like this, for about one hour and it keeps its texture if reheated with 2-3 tablespoons of water the next day.


  • Vegetarian dishes have been marked with sign
  • Albrecht, M. (1994), Turkish Cypriot and Mediterranean Cookery, Havellia Publishing, London.
  • Salaman, R., (1991), The Cooking of Greece and Turkey, Sainsbury Cookbooks, London.
  • Jemal, H., Cyprus Today, various.

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